Expert Skills for Real Estate Agents

Through the licensing process and extensive career experience, real estate agents develop several skills that easily transfer to other fields. Whether you’re looking to become a real estate agent or simply looking for qualified representation, the below characteristics are particularly important to consider.


It’s particularly important for a realestate agent to know the ins and outs of any market they choose to operate in. As such, many agents decide to specialize, whether it be a region, city or even a large neighborhood. They need to know what homes sell in their specific market, and how much these typically go for, to best advise their clients. As markets tend to evolve with broader economic and social trends, a great real estate agent needs to continually refresh their knowledge. This may be through formal education or simply more experience in the field.


The best real estate agents have a passion for what they do. They stay up to date with the market not because they feel they have to, but because they find it fascinating. Now, it’s still possible to be a real estate agent if that’s not the case; it simply requires a bit more conscious attention. This attention to detail also translates to excellent listening skills. Agents with above average listening skills pay close attention to their client’s needs, avoiding unnecessary repetition and misunderstandings that can slow down a transaction.


While the ability to close a sale is crucial, just as important is getting as much attention on a property as possible and keeping it. Basic marketing is relatively simple: postcards and directories have existed for quite some time and are still cheap and effective. However, a real estate agent skilled in this field is aware of trends in media and advertising, which more recently involve a judicious use of social media platforms. Beyond simply knowing what to do, a great realestate agent has the skill to use these platforms efficiently, leveraging their unique strengths.

Problem Solving

Whether purchasing or selling properties, clients are engaging in some of the most complicated financial transactions in their lives. There’s bound to be bumps in the road, and a skilled real estate agent needs the ability to find ways around them. This often calls for creative problemsolving; finding solutions that suit both parties involved in the transaction. This also requires a good amount of legal knowledge. The best solution is no good if it isn’t legal.


As much a skill of its own as an important component of the above skills, communication is crucial for any real estate agent. Every step of a real estate transaction requires expert communication from a real estate agent. Whether representing buyers or sellers, agents serve as mediators and middle men for all parties involved. Whether hurdles come up or not, it’s important for a realestate agent to have the ability to understand each party’s needs and communicate them to the other side. Otherwise they might find themselves doing more harm than good.